Why choose Buildings and Contents Insurance for your home?

2 months on from the budget and insurance is due for renewal, I found this useful when trying to decide on whether to have contents insurance with my buildings insurance.

Consumer Debt Solutions Blog

Our previous blog talked about the level of cover required when it comes to home insurance. This post highlights the two different types of insurance and how by having these correctly documented could save you having to investigate debt solutions in the case of an unfortunate event.

You can get standalone or combined insurance policies. (Some insurance companies now offer extra discounts if you take out other types of insurance with then such as motor, holiday or pet insurance.) The type of policy you would need, in part depends on whether you are a home owner or tenant. If you are a home owner, still paying on a mortgage, a policy covering the building is usually mandatory and you would have to ensure that you have an adequate policy in place. For the tenant, the landlord would usually have a buildings policy, but would not have contents cover in place.

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About iccle2013

Nearly 40 and starting to blog
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